Wednesday, May 11, 2011

SUP Vacation Hawaii: Kihei Beach

During our visit we took the opportunity to hop over to one of the other islands for a few days.


My Dad's favorite island.

I understand why.

In addition to a whale watching tour and biking down a dormant volcano, we rented paddleboards in Kihei on the South tip of Maui.

My husband chased waves (and caught a fair number!) while I cruised the outer parameters of the break.

I have to admit...the view of Maui from the water was pretty awesome.

But what really made this paddle the most memorable to date.....

my new paddle buddies...

Green Hawaiian Sea Turtles!

I guess they weren't scared by my easy-cruisin because they decided to stick around me for a little while.  Long enough for me to open my dry bag and get my camera out!

At one point a fairly large turtle started swimming directly toward me.  I was nervous for about a second as he was pretty big in comparison to my board, but he detoured at the last moment next to my board allowing me to get this awesome shot...

SUPing Kihei beach in experience I won't soon forget!

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