Friday, October 21, 2011

SUP Catch-Up...

Our apologies for not keeping up with the blog!

We've been SUPing we just haven't really been SUPing anywhere new so haven't been updating as often.

We have however, been getting more and more of our friends and family on the SUP boards and truth be told...I think it's catching like wildfire!!!!  =)

We've only had one friend go out and actually purchase a board, but I think next summer we'll see more SUP's on the James in Richmond.

Most recently we got our sister-in-laws husband (lets see, she's my sister-in-law's husbands sister so that makes her our sister-in-law too, right, which would kind of make her husband our brother-in-law?) to try out SUPing at Pony Pasture Rapids.

I wasn't there for this awesome event but my fantastic husband snapped a few shots of Ruben on his first glide!

Great job Ruben!!!!!!!!!

We also had a beautiful day last weekend to do one of my favorite paddles....South Anna (route 33 to route 54).

It was just chilly enough for 2 layers of clothing and just windy enough to shower us with changing fall leaves every now and then......

It was gorgeous.

I hope we have more experiences to blog about soon!

In the meantime...

keep paddling!  ; )

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